I am a teacher who believes in teaching the basic fundamentals of music until they are fully understood by the student. When the groundwork has been prepared, the rest is easy. I discuss the piano lessons with the student and discover at what level they are functioning. I then carefully match the child with the teaching method best suited to them. I also like to involve them in the choice of music they want to learn and play. I believe the more a student can communicate to me their goals and aspirations, the better I can help them.
There are 11 weeks to each piano term which is comprised of a weekly lesson 30 minutes in duration. Tuition is $330.00 per term. There are 3 terms available each year. The first piano term begins in September (one week after the school year begins) and the last term ends in mid-June.
Note: Tuition also includes 2 recitals per year. Lessons are available Tuesday and Wednesday from 3:00 pm to 7:00pm.
Piano Lessons are for children of all ages with beginners a specialty. The atmosphere is friendly and relaxed, but students are expected to be ready for every lesson. Feel free to contact me to set up an appointment to view the studio and discuss the lesson plans. Pianos in the studio are a Yamaha U1 and Baldwin console.
Over 30 years piano teaching experience. Background in Suzuki, RCM, and several other methods.
Build an environment that is safe, friendly, and above all encouraging - and to discover the best in every child who walks through the door.